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Iranian Conference on High Energy Physics
Deciphering the Universe Ciphers
School of Physics, IPM
September 30th-October 2nd, 2024 (9-11 Mehr,1403)


IRCHEP 1403 is a conference on high energy physics to be held from September 30th to October 2nd, 2024. The conference gathers experts in high energy physics and cosmology to discuss recent advances and key developments in the field.
3 will be held online. The talks are all by invitation.  The meeting will start at 2 pm (Iranian time) and end around 7:30 pm. In the first two days, the program will consist of three plenary talks, followed by three parallel sessions on high energy phenomenology, theory and cosmology. 

This year corresponds to the year 1403 in the local calendar, hence the name IRCHEP 1403.

This conference follows a three-day school on high energy physics which will take place in person at the physics school of IPM. For more information on the school, please visit


While the in-person school is in Farsi, the IRCHEP 1403 will be in English.

The website of  IRCHEP 1403 is available at



1) Dark Matter

2) Neutrino Physics

3) Forward physics

4) Cosmological Tensions & Beyond FLRW Cosmology

5) Primordial Black Holes

6) Boundary Symmetries and Algebras

7) Accelerated Expansion and String Theory

8) Gravitational Waves and Memories and their Detection

9) Black Hole Physics.


The deadline for registration is 26 August, 2024 (5 Shahrivar, 1403). The registration is free of charge.




Planery Speakers

Yashar Akrami (IFT, Madrid)

Ahmed Almheiri (NYU, Abu Dhabi)

Cliff Burgess (McMaster U. and Perimeter Inst.)

Marc Henneaux (Intl. Solvay Inst. and  Brussels U., PTM and CECS)

Michele Maltoni (IFT, Madrid)

David Nichols (Virginia U.)

Stefano Profumo (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Misao Sasaki (Yukawa Inst., Kyoto U.)

Sebastian Trojanowski (Copernicus Astron Ctr, Warsaw)

Parallel Sessions Speakers


Saeed Abbaslu (IPM, Tehran)

Nicolás Bernal (NYU, Abu Dhabi)

Sovan Chakraborty (Indian Inst. Tech, Guwahati, India)

Yuber F. Perez-Gonzalez (IPPP, Durham U., UK)

Masud Mehedi (Chung-Ang U., Seul and  IBS, Darjeon, Korea)

Manibrata Sen (MPIK, Heidelberg)


Adrià Gómez-Valent (ICC, Barcelona U.)

Tomi Koivisto (Inst. of Phys., Uni. of Tratu)

Kohei Kamada (IBS, Daejeon)

Mohammad Malekjani (Bu Ali Sina U.)

Ranjini Mondol (IIS, Bangalore)

Krzysztof Jan Turzynski (University of Warsaw)


Aritra Banerjee (Birla Inst. Tech. Sci. India)

Batoul Banihashemi (UC Santa Cruz)

Luca Ciambelli (Perimeter Inst. Theo. Phys.)

Reza Javadinezhad (New York Uni & IPM)

Ida Rasulian (School of physics, IPM)

Vahid Taghiloo (School of physics, IPM)




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